The Real English 4 : Di Sekolah.

Hi hi hi everyone, kali ini kita akan membahas The Real English dengan Grammar yang benar. Walaupun ada kalimat yang secara Grammarnya benar tetapi bule lebih suka mengucapkan dengan memakai kalimat The Real English.  Nah, hari ini kita mau bahas tentang bagaimana sih The Real English ketika kita mau bilang bolos sekolah? Mari kita simak langsung.

Real English. Grammar.
You’ve got a class?
You got a class?
Do you have class?
I’ll cut this class! I’ll skip this class! (Aku akan bolos di kelas ini).
Wait for me, I’m dressing up!
Wait for me, I get dressing up!
Wait I’ll go with you.  
English is not my thing! English is not my skill/expert.
I gotta brush up this morning lesson.  
Do you think, it will work?  
It works for me, so I think it will work for you too. It works for me, so do I it will work for you too.
He always plays favourite. He is always plays favourite.
She is miss know at all.  
I have to bone up for the test.  

Mari kita buat contoh percakapannya     :

Mr. Al                    : Hi Dony, you’ve got a class?
Mr. Dony             : Yes, I have. Have you learn about task 3? We’ve exam with Miss. Cla tommorow.
Mr. Al                    : Not yet, english isn’t my thing!
Mr. Dony             : Really? So, how about our exam later?
Mr. Al                    : Have you learn task 3?
Mr. Dony             : Yes, I have. I gotta brush up this morning lesson.
Mr. Al                    : Do you think it will work for you?
Mr. Donny          : It works for me, so I think it will work for you too.
Mr. Al                    : No, I don’t want. I’ll cut the class!
Mr. Donny          : Don’t do that! Let’s learn together. We have to bone up for the test.
Mr. Al                    : Miss Cla always plays favourite! You know our friend Sri? She is teacher’s pet. And I don’t like it!
Mr. Donny          : Stop think about that. You have skill in English, just improve it. I belive in you, you can do it and you can get great score in Miss Cla’s class.
Mr. Al                    : Thank you Donny, you burn my spirit. I’ll show to Miss Cla if I can get a great score in her class. Let’s study together about task 3.
Mr. Donny          : Let’s go Al!

Nah ini dia sedikit contoh percakapan antara dua anak di sekolah yang sedang membahas akan ulangan  Bahasa Inggris besok, tetapi satu anak lain yang tidak mau belajar dikarenakan guru nya selalu pilih kasih dan dia akan bolos sekolah di hari esok. Tetapi Donny melarangnya dan memberikan semangat kepada Al dan akhirnya Al pun semangat lagi untuk belajar dan ia akan membuktikan kalau ia bisa mendapatkan nilai yang baik di kelas Miss Cla. Sekian materi hari ini, baca juga The Real English lainnya di web ini. Semoga bermanfaat!