The Function of ‘Of”

Fungsi ‘of’ dalam word order:

1. ‘Digunakan untuk membalik classifier and head.
  • A computer application system.
    → A system of computer aplication.
    → An application system of computer.
    → A system of application of computer.
  • The American Revolution History.
    → The History of American Revolution.
    → The Revolution History of American.
    → The History of Revolution of American.
2.  Digunakan untuk membalik kepemilikan (possession).

→ Kebun milik seorang pengusaha dengan dua istrinya.
→ The garden of a businessman with two wives.

Bandingkan dengan frase di bawah ini:
→ A businessman with his two wives’ garden.
(Seorang pengusaha dengan kebun milik dua istrinya.)

Bandingkan dengan frase di bawah ini:
→ A businessman with his two wives’ garden.
(Seorang pengusaha dengan kebun milik dua istrinya.)

3. Digunakan untuk mensifati classifier.
  • An English grammar learning method.
    modern                difficult

→ A method of difficult English grammar learning.
→ A grammar learning method of modern English.
→ A method of difficult grammar learning of modern English.

Macam-macam ‘Of’:

  1. ‘Of’ material.
    » Dresses of lace and silk.
    » Plates of gold and silver.
    » The table is made of mahogany.
    » The chair is made of strong wood.

  2. ‘Of’ possession or origin.
    » The father of lady.
    » The father of the bride was very nerveous at the wedding.
    » The song of the nightingale has been much celebrated in English poetry.

  3. ‘Of’ partition
    a. In Quantity.
    » The end of the year.
    » Some of the guests stayed for dinner: the rest of the guests went home.
    » One of the girls is my sister.
    » Of the good novels, I don’t know which they bought. (‘Of’ bermakna ‘among’)

    b. In comparison degree.

    I. Comparative degree.
    » Of the two shirts, this one is the prettier.
    » Harvey is the smarter of the two boys.

    II. Superlative degree
    » He is the most diligent of all his friends.
    » He worked the most diligently of all his friends.

  4. ‘Of’ apposition.
    » The dictionary of English.
    » The city of New York is governed by a mayor and a city council.

  5. ‘Of’ characterized by.
    » The Angle of death.
    » He is a man of the highest reputation.
    » This is a matter of great importance.

  6. ‘Of’ meaning ‘belong’
    .→ Biasanya terdapat pada kalimat nominal.
    » Indonesia is of many interesting places.

  7. ‘Of’ causality.
    » He died of cancer.
    » I didn’t have to go there. I did it of my own free will.
    » She is happy of passing the exam.

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