Aturan Penghilangan article ‘The’

Sebelum nama-nama tempat kecuali yang telah di sebut di atas, atau sebelum nama orang.
Sebelum abstract noun, kecuali kalau abstract noun tersebut digunakan dalam pengertian tertentu (memiliki makna khusus).
  • Men fear death, (abstract noun untuk makna umum)
  • The death of prie ministe left his party with leader. (abstract noun untuk makna khusus)
Setelah noun yang menjadi possesive adjective, dan juga dalam possesive adjective.
  • The boy’s uncle.                      = The uncle of the boy.
  • It is my (blue) book.                = It is the (blue) book of mine.
Sebelum nama makanan (lihat penglihatan article ‘a’ / ‘an’).
  • The Scots have porridge for breakfast.

    Bandingkan dengan:
  • The wedding breakfast was held in her father’s house.
Sebelum nama permainan.
  • He plays golf.
Sebelum noun yang terdiri dari bagian-bagian tubuh dan barang-barang berupa pakaian, karena noun tersebut biasanya menggunakan possesive adjective.
  • Raise your right hand!
  • He took off his coat.
Sebelum indefinite plural noun.
  • Women are expected to like babies. (wanita secara umum)
  • Big hotels al over the world are very much the same.
Jika ‘the’ diletakkan sebelum kata ‘women’ (pada contoh di atas), maka kata ‘women’ tersebut mengacu pada sekelompok wanita tertentu.
Sebelum kata ‘nature’ (alam semesta), yakni kata nature yang memiliki arti semangat yang menciptakan dan memotivasi dunia tumbuh-tumbuhan dan hewan.
  • If you interfere with nature you will suffer for it.
Sebelum kata ‘home’, ‘bed’, ‘mosque’ / ‘ church’ (tempat – tempat ibadah), ‘hospital’, ‘prison’, ‘school’ / college / ‘university’ dan sebelum kata ‘work’, ‘sea’ dan ‘town’.
a.  Home.
Ketika kata home tidak didahului atau diikuti oleh modifier, maka tidak didahului oleh ‘the’.
  • He is at home.
  • He went home.
  • He arrived home after dark.
  • I sent him home.
Namun ketika kata ‘home’ didahului atau diikuti oleh modifier, maka kata ‘home’ diperlakukan layaknya noun lainnya.
  • They went to their new home
  • We arrived at the bridge’s home
  • For soe years, this was the home of your queen.
  • a mud hut was the only home he had ever known.
b. ‘bed’, ‘mosque’ / ‘crurch’ (tempat-yempat ibadah), ‘court’, ‘hospital’, ‘prison’, ‘school’ / ‘college’/ ‘university’.

‘the’ tidak dipakai sebelum noun yang telah disebutkan di atas ketika noun terseut digunakan sebagaimana mestinya (sesuai tujuan utamanya).
  • we go to bed to sleep
  • We go to chrunch to pray.
  • We go to court as litigants.
  • we go to hospital as patients
  • We go to prison as prisoners.
  • We go to school/ college/ university to study.

    Sama halnya dengan:
  • We can be in bed, sleeping or resting.
  • We can be at chrunch as worshippers.
  • We can be in court as witnesses.
  • We can be at school/college/ university as students.
  • We can be back / get home from school/ college/ university
  • We can leave school/ college/ university, be realeased from prison.
Ketika noun yang menyatakan tempat tresebut tidak digunakan semestinya, maka ‘the’ diperlukan.


  • I went to the chruch to see the stained glass.
  • He goes to the prison sometimes to give lecturers.
c. ‘Sea’
  • We go to sea as sailors. (sebagai pelaut)
  • We are at sea. = We are on voyage (sebagai penumpang / crew)

Berbeda dengan:

  • We got to the sea. = We go to the seaside.
  • We are at the sea. = We live by/ near the sea.
d. ‘work’ and ‘office’
‘work’ (=tem[at kerja) tidak didahului oleh ‘the’
  • He’s on his way to work.
  • He isn’t back from work yet.
  • He is at work.*
‘at work’ juga bisa bermakan ‘bekerja’ (working): hard at work = working hard.
‘office’ (= tempat kerja) didahului oleh ‘the’
  • He is at/in the office.
Jika kata ‘office’ tanpa menggunakan ‘the’, maka kata tersebut memiliki arti memegang posisi resmi (biasanya dalam politik).
  • He is out of office. = He is no longer in power.

e. ‘town’

‘the’ bisa dihilangkan ketika berbicara tentang kotanya si pembicara (speaker) atau kota subject-nya.
  • We go to town sometimes to buy clothes.
  • We were in town last Monday.