Penggunaaan Other, The Other, Others, dan Another

  • Post author:
  • Post published:November 13, 2019
  • Post category:grammar


Another berperan sebagai kata sifat (Adjective) dan juga berperan sebagai kata ganti (Pronoun). Another berarti ‘Satu lainya’ atau ‘Yang Satunya’ dan biasanya diikuti kata benda tunggal (Singular Countable Noun). Contohnya : Another woman, another girl, another child, another boy. Tidak boleh menjadi Another Women, another, girls, another children, another boys. Yang mengikuti Another harus benda tunggal.

Another + Number + Plural Countable
Contoh : In another five days Nisa is going to get married.
Another + One
Contoh : Cinta take book, then she take another one.
Another sebagai kata ganti
Contoh : This Banana was sweet, I think I will have another

Another difungsikan untuk menyatakan benda tunggal. Bukan benda jamak. Simak contoh lainya di bawah ini.

Contoh : There is a big box of Bananas on the floor. Intan is going to eat one Banana. If she is still hungry after that, she can eat another Banana. There are many Bananas to choose from.
– Intan ate one Banana, then she ate another Banana.
– Intan ate one Banana, then she ate another one.
Intan ate one Banana, then she ate another.

Other and Other (s)

Other berperan sebagai kata sifat (Adjective) dan kata ganti (Pronoun). Other memiliki arti ‘Yang lainya’ sementara Other digunakan untuk benda jamak yang dapat dihitung.

Contoh : Other girls, Other, Children, Other Women

Others merupakan kata ganti (Pronoun) yang memiliki arti “Yang lainya’ Others merupakan bentuk jamak dari other yang berfungsi sebagai kata ganti pronoun. Pengganti benda sebelumnya, Others tidak perlu ditambahi noun setelah others.Jumlah benda boleh jamak.

Contoh : There are many Oranges  in Mr. Ilham’s Living room. Ilham is holding one Orange.
– There are other Orange in a box.
– There are other one on a table.
– There are others on a cupboard.

The Other and The other (s)

The Other berperan sebagai kata sifat artinya ‘Yang lainya’ boleh diikuti kata benda tunggal dan jamak yang dapat dihitung.
Contohnya : The Other girl, the other girls, the other child, the other children.

Contoh :  There are two Bananas on the Table. Intan is going to eat one of them. Fina is going to eat the other Banana.
– Kasih ate one Banana, Fina ate the other Banana.
– Kasih ate one Banana, Fina ate the other one.
– Kasih ate one Banana, Fina ate the other.

The others merupakan kata ganti yang artinya ‘Yang lainya’ keduanya dapat digunakan sebagai kata ganti (Pronoun) sebagai kata ganti benda secara specifik. Kita tidak perlu menambahkan noun setelah itu.

Contoh : There are five Watermelons on the chair. Anna is going to take one of them.
– Anna is going to tae the other Watermelons
– Anna is going to take the other ones.
– She is going to take the others.

SINGULAR Another Banana Another
PLURAL Other Banana Others
SINGULAR The Other Banana The Other
PLURAL The Other Bananas The Others

PERHATIAN! Kata Other (Other yang diakhiri –s) hanya digunakan sebagai plural pronoun.

Selamat mencoba 🙂