Pekerjaan-pekerjaan Rumah dalam Bahasa Inggris

  • Adjust the clock = Menyetel jam
  • Arrange the furniture = Mengatur perabot rumah
  • Boil the water = Merebus air
  • Brush the floor = Menyikat lantai
  • Butcher the chicken = Menyembelih ayam
  • Clean the Bath = Membersihkan Bak Mandi
  • Clean the room = Membersihkan kamar
  • Cook the food = Memasak makanan
  • Decorate the house = Menghias rumah
  • Drain the water tub = Menguras bak mandi
  • Dry the cloth = Menjemur pakaian
  • Dry the Dishes = Mengeringkan Piring
  • Dust the Furniture = Membersihkan Perabotan
  • Dust the table = Membersihkan debu meja
  • Feed the Pet = Memberi Makan Hewan Peliharaan
  • Fold the Blanket = Melipat Selimut
  • Fry the chicken = Menggoreng ayam
  • Grind the spices = Menggiling/menumbuk bumbu
  • Hang the clothes = Menggantung pakaian
  • Hang the Laundry = Menjemur Cucian
  • Iron the clothes = Menyetrika pakaian
  • Lit the stove = Menyalakan kompor
  • Lock the door = Mengunci pintu
  • Make a Breakfast = Membuat Sarapan
  • Mend the trousers = Menambal celana
  • Mix the pastry = Mengaduk adonan
  • Mop the Floor = Mengepel Lantai
  • Mow the Lawn = Memotong Rumput
  • Open the door = Membuka pintu
  • Open the Window = Membuka Jendela
  • Paint the Walls = Mengecat Tembok
  • Paint the window = Mengecat jendela
  • Pamper the child = Menimang anak
  • Pare the fruit = Mengupas buah
  • Peel the Union = Mengupas Bawang
  • Pick Up the Clothes = Mengangkat Pakaian
  • Plant the Flower = Menanam Bunga
  • Polish the shoes = Menyemir sepatu
  • Polish the Tile = Memoles Ubin
  • Pour the tea into teapot = Menuang teh ke  dalam cerek
  • Prepare the dinner = Mempersiapkan makan malam
  • Prepare the Lunch = Menyiapkan Makan Siang
  • Pump out the water = Memompa air
  • Put of the flag = Memasang bendera
  • Roast the corn = Membakar jagung
  • Scop the water = Menimba air
  • Set the Table = Menata Meja
  • Sew the clothes = Menjahit pakaian
  • Sharpen the knife = Mengasah pisau
  • Shut the door = Menutup pintu
  • Soak the clothes = Merendam pakaian
  • Steam the rice = Menanak nasi
  • Sweep the floor = Menyapu lantai
  • Switch the light off = Mematikan lampu
  • Switch the light on = Menyalakan lampu
  • Take Out the Rubbish = Membuang Sampah
  • Throw rubbish = Membuang sampah
  • Tidy Up = Merapikan
  • Turn Off the Lamp = Mematikan Lampu
  • Turn On the Lamp = Menyalakan Lampu
  • Turn the radio off = Mematikan radio
  • Turn the radio on = Menyalakan radio
  • Wash Clothes = Mencuci Baju
  • Wash Motorcycle = Mencuci Motor
  • Wash the Dishes = Mencuci Piring
  • Wash the Laundry = Mencuci Cucian
  • Wash up = Mencuci
  • Water the Flower = Menyiram Bunga
  • White wash the house = Mengapur rumah
  • Wipe the Dishes = Mengelap Piring
  • Wipe the glass = Mengelap kaca