Pattern dan Contoh Kalimat Tenses 1-5

  • Post author:
  • Post published:November 20, 2019
  • Post category:grammar

Hello everyone! Sebelumnya kita pasti sudah mengenal beberapa macam tenses, nah article sebelumnya sudah membahas tentang pengertian dan fungsi tenses. Kali ini kita hanya membahas sekilas dan akan membahas tentang pattern dan contoh kalimat dengan menggunakan tenses. Ok, let’s talk about it!

  • Verbal Sentence                              :
  1. Simple Present Tense

(+) S+V1(s/es)+o+adv
(-) S+does/do+not+V1+o+adv
(?) Do/does+s+V1+o+adv+?

(+) She plays doll .
(-) She does not play doll.
(?) Does she play doll?

2. Present Continous Tense

(+) S+is/am/are+Ving+o+adv
(-) S+is/am/are+not+Ving+o+adv
(?) Is/am/are+s+Ving+o+adv+?

 (+) Kinara is dancing with Vania.
(-) Kinara is not dancing with Vania.
(?) Is Kinara dancing with Vania?

3. Present Perfect Tense

(+) S+have/has+V3+o+adv
(-) S+have/has+not+V3+o+adv
(?) Have/has+s+V3+o+adv?

(+) Bimo has told the true.
(-) Bimo has not told the true.
(?) Has Bimo told the true

4. Present Perfect Continous

(+) S+have/has+been+Ving+o+adv
(-) S+have/has+not+been+Ving+o+adv
(?) Have/has+s+been+Ving+o+adv+?

(+) Aldo and Heri have been taking course in Kampung Inggris Pare.
(-) Aldo and Heri have not been taking course in Kampung Inggris Pare.
(?) Have Aldo and Heri been taking course in Kampung Inggris Pare?

5. Simple Past Tense

(+) S+v2+o+adv
(-) S+did+not+V1+o+adv
(?) Do/does+s+v1+o+adv+?

(+) Nesya gave me some food.
(-) Nesya did not give me some food.
(?) Does Nesya give me some food?

  • Nominal/non-Verbal Sentence :
  1. Simple Present Tense

(+) S+is/am/are+complement of subject(Adjective,Noun,Adverb)
(-) S+is/am/are+not+comlement of subject(ANA)
(?) Is/am/are+s+complement of subject(ANA)+?

(+) She is diligent.
(-) She is not diligent.
(?) Is she diligent?

2. Present Continous Tense

(+) S+is/am/are+being+complement of subject
(-) S+is/am/are+not+being+complement of subject
(?) Is/am/are+S+being+complement of subject+?

(+) You are being smart girl.
(-) You are not being smart girl.
(?) Are you being smart girl

3. Present Perfect

(+)S+have/has+been+complement of Subject
(-) S+have/has+not+been+complement of subject
(?) Have/has+S+been+complement of subject+?

(+) We have been diligent student.
(-) We have not been diligent student.
(?) Have we been diligent student?

4. Present Perfect Continous

(+)S+have/has+been+being+Complement of subject
(-) S+have/has+not+been+being+complement of subject
(?) Have/has+S+been+being+complement of subject+?

(+) Ihsan has been being smart boy.
(-) Ihsan has not been being smart boy.
(?) Has Ihsan been bein smart boy?

5. Simple Past

(+) S+was/were+complement of subject
(-) S+was/were+not+complement of subject
(?) Was/were+S+complement of subject+?

(+) Ranggita was in London.
(-) Ranggita was not in London.
(?) Was Ranggita in London?

  • Passive Sentence
  1. Simple Present Tense

(+)S+is/am/are+V3+complement of subject
(-) S+is/am/are+not+V3+complement of subject
(?) Is/am/are+S+V3+complement of subject+?

(+) The rubbish is thrown by Saddikin.
(-) The rubbish is not thrown by Saddikin.
(?) Is the rubbish thrown by Saddikin?

2. Present Continous Tense

(+) S+Is/am/are+being+V3+o
(-) S+Is/am/are+not+being+V3+o
(?) S+Is/am/are+S+being+V3+o+?

(+) The book is being read by Kinara.
(-) The book is not being read by Kinara.
(?) Is the book being read by Kinara?

3. Present Perfect Tense

(+) S+have/has+been+V3+o
(-) S+have/has+not+been+v3+o
(?) Have/has+ S+been+V3+o+?

(+) Some walls have just been painted by my father.
(-) Some walls have not just been painted by my father.
(?) Have some walls just been painted by my father?

4. Present Perfect Continous Tense

(+) S+have been/has been+being+V3+o
(-) S+have/has+not+been+being+v3+o
(?) Have/has+S+been+being+V3+o?

(+) Two plate of noodles have been being eaten by my sister.
(-) Two plates of noodles have been being eaten by my sister.
(?) Have two plates of noodles been being eaten by my sister?

5. Simple Past

(?) Was/were+S+v3+o?

(+) The first book was printed in 2010 by Gramedia.
(-) The first book was not printed in 2010 by Gramedia.
(?) Was the first book printed in 2010 by Gramedia?

Demikian materi hari ini, jangan lupa baca lanjutan tenses selanjutnya di “Pattern dan Contoh Kalimat Tenses 6-10” dan “Pattern dan Contoh Kalimat Tenses 11-15.” Terima kasih dan semangat belajar!