Modals dalam Passive Voice, Phrasal Modal dan Non-progressive Passive

Bentuk passive voice juga dapat berasal dari modal dan phrasal modal berikut adalah contoh dan rumusnya.

Pola : modal + be + past participle
Modal : will , can, should, may , had better, ought to, has to, be supposed to.


Tom will be invited to the picnic.
The window can’t be opened.
Children should be taught to respect their elders.
Marry has to be told about our change in plans.
Fred is supposed to be told about the meeting.

Pola: past-passive form modal + have been + past participle
Modal : should have been, must have been, could have been, ought to have been.


The letter should have been sent last week.
The house must have been built over 200 years ago.
Erin couldn’t have been offered the job.
Jill ought to have been invited to the party.


(a) The door is Red.
(b) The door is new.
(c) The door is locked.
pada contoh (a) dan (b) kata red , new adalah adjective dan berfungsi menjelaskan subject the door/ pintu.

Ketika bentuk pasif digunakan untuk mengungkapan situasi atau kejadian yang sedang terjadi ini disebut ”Non- progressive Passive”.


Tidak ada ada penggunaan by-phrase.
Kata kerja bentuk ke tiga / past participle difungsikan sebagai adjective pada.
Contoh :

I locked the door five minutes ago.
The door was locked by me five minutes ago.
Now the door is locked. ( non-progressive passive)

Kata locked di dalam contoh difungsikan sebagai adejctive yang menjelaskan subject the door. locked disini bermakna terkunci.
Now the door is locking./ locked.

Nissa broke the window yesterday.
The window was broken by Anissa yesterday.
Now the window is broken.
Now the window is breaking.


(a) I am interested in Indonesia culture.
(b) He is worried about losing his job.

Banyak non-progressive verb diikuti preposisi tidak hanya by-phrase.
Berikut adalah contoh yang umum dari non-progressive verb + preposition

be concerned about
be excited about
be worried about
be discriminated against
be known for
be prepared for
be remembered for
be well known for
be divorced from
be exhausted from
be gone from
be protected from

be dressed in
be interested in
be located in
be disappointed in/with
be involved in/with

be composed of
be made of
be tired of

be frightened of/by
be scared of/by
be terrified of/by

be accustomed to
be addicted to
be committed to
be connected to
be dedicated to
be devoted to
be engaged to
be exposed to
be limited to
be married to
be opposed to
be related to

be acquainted with
be associated with
be cluttered with
be crowded with
be done with
be equipped with
be filled with
be finished with
be pleased with
be provided with
be satisfied with
be annoyed with /by
be bored with /by
be covered with/by

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