Menggunakan ekpresi quantity dalam Adjective Clause

Pada sebuah adjective clause banyak mengandung ekpresi dari quantity (jumlah) seperti:

  • some of
  • one of
  • many of
  • most of
  • none of
  • two of
  • half of
  • both of
  • neither of
  • each of
  • all of
  • several of
  • a few of
  • little of
  • a number of
  • ect

Conjungction-nya menggunakan
whom untuk person
which untuk non person
whose + Noun untuk keduanya
Di kelasku ada 20 murid. Banyak dari mereka dari Jakarta
In my class there are 20 students. Most of them are from Jakarta

In my class there are 20 students, most of whom are from Jakarta.

Adejective Clause : most of whom are from Jakarta
conjunction : most of whom

Note: Menggunakan ekpresi quantity selalu di awali atau di apit koma

Macam-Macam dari penggunaan ekpresi quantity

a. penggunaan ekpresi quantity mirip RPS
b. penggunaan ekpresi quantity mirip RPO

a. penggunaan ekpresi quantity mirip RPS

Pola :
RPS Noun + Conjunction + V
UQ Noun + Conjunction + V
Contoh :
Saya menikahi 2 gadis. Salah satu dari mereka gemuk.
I married 2 girls. One of them is fat.
Jadi :

I married 2 girls, one of whom is fat.

he gave several problems. Only a few of them were valid.

he gave several problems, only a few of which were valid.

The teacher discussed Dian. One of her problems was poor study habits.

The teacher discussed Dian, one of whose problems was poor study habits .

b. penggunaan ekpresi quantity mirip RPO

RPO : Noun + Conjunction + S + Vt
UQ : Noun + Conjunction + S + Vt

Jhon menikahi 2 wanita. Jim mencintai salah satu dari mereka,
Jhon married 2 women. Jim loved one of them.

Jhon married 2 women, one of whom Jim loved.

Conjunction : one of whom
Subject : Jim
Verb: Loved
Sub Clause: one of whom Jim loved

Banyak gadis menemuiku. Saya melihat beberapa dari mereka.
Many girls met me. I saw some of them.

Many girls, some of whom i saw

Understanding and using english (Betty S.A)