Expression of Congratulation

Hi guys, pernahkan kalian mengucapkan atau mendapatkan ucapan selamat dari keluarga, teman atau orang-orang disekitar mu? Pasti pernah bukan? Baik itu ucapan selamat atas suatu keberhasilan, hari peringatan dan lain sebagainya. Nah, ungkapan selamat yang kita gunakan untuk memberikan ucapan selamat kepada seseorang ketika berhasil melakukan sesuatu didalam Bahasa Inggris ini dikenal dengan istilah Expression of Congratulation.

Expression of Congratulations

  • Best of luck!
  • Congratulation
  • Congratulations on your succeeds
  • Congratulations!
  • Fantastic job!
  • Fantastic!
  • Good for you!
  • Happy Anniversary
  • Happy Birthday
  • Happy Eid Mubarak
  • Happy New Year
  • I must congratulate you on your success!
  • I must congratulate you.
  • I would be the first to congratulate you on…
  • I would like to congratulate you on
  • I’d be the first to congratulate you on.
  • I’d like to congratulate you on …
  • I’d like to congratulate you on your accomplishment!
  • I’m very happy of you!
  • It was great to hear about …
  • Let me congratulate you
  • May I congratulate you on …
  • Nice one
  • Please accept my warmest congratulation
  • Pretty Good
  • That’s great!
  • That’s wonderful!
  • Well done!
  • You must be very happy with your achievement.

Responds to Expression of Congratulations

  • How nice of you to say so
  • I’m glad you think so
  • It’s very good of you to say so
  • Oh thanks’
  • Oh, actually it’s nothing special
  • Oh, I have a lot to learn yet
  • Oh, not really
  • Oh, nothing to it, actually
  • Thank you very much for saying so
  • Thank you, I can’t forget your help to me

Contoh Percakapan Expression of Congratulations

Percakapan 1

  • Vita           : Congratulation for your graduation, Dina!
  • Diana         : Thank you Vita.
  • Vita           : By the way, what the kind of gift that you want?
  • Diana         : Will you buy me something?
  • Vita           : Certainly.
  • Diana         : Okay, please give me a bucket of flower
  • Vita           : Okay, please wait I will buy it for you.


  • Vita            : Selamat atas kelulusan mu Dina!
  • Diana        : Terimakash mala.
  • Vita            : Ngomong ngomong jenis hadiah apa yang kamu inginkan?
  • Diana        : Apakah kamu akan membelikan aku sesuatu?
  • Vita            : Tentu saja.
  • Diana        : Oke, tolong berikan aku satu buket bunga.
  • Vita            : Baiklah, tolong tunggu, aku akan membelikan nya untuk mu.

Percakapan 2

  • Mila           : I hear that you have married with Aldo, is it right?
  • Paula         : Of course yes.
  • Mila           : Wow! I congratulate on your wedding!
  • Paula         : Thank you so much Mila.
  • Mila           : And then what’s your planning?
  • Paula         : We want to go to Bali together this month.
  • Mila           : That sound good.
  • Paula         : Do you want to follow us?
  • Mila           : Is it a joke? No, thanks.


  • Mila           : Aku dengar kamu telah menikah dengan aldo, apakah itu benar?
  • Paula         : Tentu saja iya.
  • Mila           : Wow selamat atas pernikah mu.
  • Paula         : Terimakasih banyak Mila.
  • Mila           : Dan kemudian apa rencana mu?
  • Paula         : Kami ingin pergi ke bali bersama sama bulan ini.
  • Mila           : Kedengaran nya bagus.
  • Paula         : Apakah kamu ingin ikut dengan kami?
  • Mila           : Apakah ini bercanda? tidak terimakasih
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