Ditransitive Verb: Arti dan Contohnya

Ditransitive Verb adalah kata kerja yang mempunyai dua object, yaitu objek langsung (Direct Object [DO]) dan objek tidak langsung  (Indirect Object [IO]).

Biasanya ditransitive verb ini berpola:

S + Vt + IO + DO atau S + Vt + DO + to/for + IO

Berikut ini adalah beberapa anggota certain ditransitive verb (DV):

DV Meaning Example
Ask Meminta She asked me a question.
                   IO        DO
She asked a question to me.
                        DO            IO
Bring Membawakan Bring me that knife!
Bring that knife to/for me!
Build Membangunkan They built us a new library.
They built a new library for us.
Buy Membelikan Nigel bought Celia a diamond ring
Nigel bought a diamond ring to Celia.
Change Menukarkan Could you change me a dollar?
Could you change a dollar for me?
Choose Memilihkan Choose me a book!
Choose a book for me!
Cook Memasakkan Cook us some vegetables!
Cook some vegetables for us!
Cost Membayar The trip will cost you $1000.
The trip will cost $1000 for us.
Do Memberikan/ Meakukan She did me a favor.
She did a favor for me.
Fecth Mengambilkan Please fetch me my pipe!
Please fetch my pipe for me!
Find Menemukan/ Mendapatkan Find me an isteresting book!
Find an interesting book for me!
Fix Mempersiapkan Fix me a drink!
Fix a drink for me!
Get Mengambilkan/ Can I get you drink?
Can I get drink for you?
  Mendapatkan/ She got a newspaper for me.
  Menyampaikan I have to get a massage to her
Give Memberi I give her a flower.
I give a flower to her.
Keep Menjagakan/ Memberikan I kept you a seat.
I kept a seat for you.
Leave Mewariskan He left her his estate.
He left his estate to her.
Lend Meminjami She lent him the money.
She lent the money to him.
Make Membuatkan He made us some coffee.
He made some coffee to us.
Offer Menawarkan She offered me the job.
She offered the job to me.
Order Memesankan Order me a copy!
Order a copy for me!
Owe Meminjam I owe Janet ten puonds.
I owe ten pounds to Janet.
Pass Memberikan Gerald passed me the note.
Gerald passed the note to me.
Pay Membayar She paid me the money.
She paid the money to me.
Play Memainkan Play us a song!
Play a song for us!
Post Mengeposkan She posted me the book.
She posted the book to me.
Prepare Mempersiapkan I will prepare you a nice super.
I will prepare a nice super for you.
Promise Menjanjikan Her parents promised her a new car.
Her parents promised a new car to her.
Read Membacakan Their teacher reads them a story.
Their teacher reads a story to them.
Recommend Merekomendasikan She recommended me a good dictionary.
She recommended a good dictionary to me.
Refuse Menolak She refused them nothing.
Reserve Memesan I can reserve you a seat.
I can reserve a seat to you.
Save Menyelamatkan Save me a place!
Save a place for me!
Say Mengatakan She said a few words to us.
Sell Menjual I sold him my car.
I sold my car to him.
Send Mengirimi We’ll send our teacher a message.
We’ll send a message to our teacher.
Show Memperlihatkan I must show you this new book.
I must show this new book to you.
Sing Menyanyikan Will you sing us a song?
Will you sing a song to us?
Take Membawakan She took him a cup of tea.
She took a cup of tea to him.
Teach Mengajarkan She taught us English.
She taught English to us.
Tell Menceritakan She told everyone the news.
She told the news to everyone.
Throw Melemparkan Throw her the ball!
Throw the ball to her!
Wish Mendoakan Wish me luck!
Write Menuliskan I wrote my sister a letter.
I wrote a letter to my sister.

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. sony tohdjali

    thanks for your material

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