Contoh Opening Speech

  • Post author:
  • Post published:November 18, 2019
  • Post category:grammar

Hello, what’s poppin boys and girls? Sekarang waktunya kalian untuk try to speak more, speak loud, and speak up! Kunci utama speakin adalah kalian meyakinkan di hati kalian untuk bilang “I CAN DO IT!”. Kali ini kita akan membahas tentang pembukaan pidato formal dalam bahasa Inggris. Let’s talk about it!

  • Formal Opening                               :
  • Exelency Mr. Asror as the head English Departement. Respectable : all the teachers and functionaries of English Departement. And the last honorable all of my friends whom I love.
    First of all, let’s pray and thanks into our god Allah SWT who has been giving us some mercies and blessing. So, we can attend and gather in this place in good condition and happy situation.
    Secondly, may peace and salutation always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW. Who has guided us from the darkness to the brightness, from stupidity to the cleverness, from jahilia to the Islamia Era. Thirdly I don’t forget to say thank you very much to the Master of Ceremony who has giving me time to speak in front of you all. Stading in front of you all I would like to deliver my speech, under the title is “…..”.
  • The honourable Mr. Chairman of the Committee and all of audience who has come in this event for accepting the invitation.
    In this happy day let us Praise the presence of Allah, who has given His grace and guidance to us. Because of His grace we can gather on this day in the event….

Bagaimana teman-teman? Berani mencoba untuk Speech di depan teman-teman kalian? Pasti berani dong! Bravo! See you!

Oh iya guys, kalau kalian berminat untuk mengikuti kelas Bahasa Inggris secara Online, kalian bisa dapatkan informasinya di halaman berikut ya guys :