Asking, Giving, Refusing Opinion

Asking and Giving Opinion adalah suatu ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menyakan ataupun menjawab/ merespon suatu pendapat. Jadi, jika kamu suka ngobrol atau berbicang-bincang bersama orang lain atau suka meminta dan menyampaikan pendapat terhadap suatu topik yang sedang dibahas didalam bahasa Inggris. Kamu bisa menggunakan ekspresi dibawah ini guys…

Expression of Asking Opinion

  • Do you have an idea?
  • Do you have opinion of…?
  • Do you like that?
  • Do you think … ?
  • Do you think is it good?
  • Do you think it’s going?
  • Give me your comment?
  • How about…?
  • How do you feel about this?
  • How do you like?
  • How do you think of …’s idea?
  • How do you think of my idea?
  • How is your opinion?
  • How was the…?
  • I was wondering where you stood on the question of…?
  • Please give me your opinion?
  • What about…?
  • What are your feelings about…?
  • What are your views on…?
  • What do you think about … ?
  • What do you think of … ?
  • What is your comment?
  • What is your idea?
  • What is your opinion of…?
  • What is your opinion?
  • What is your position on…?
  • What your view on?
  • What’s your opinion of … ?
  • What’s your view on … ?

Expression of Giving Opinion

  • As far as I am concerned…
  • As far I know
  • As I see it,…
  • Exactly
  • For me, …
  • From my point of view…
  • I agree
  • I consider that…
  • I couldn’t agree more
  • I feel …
  • I personally believe
  • I personally feel…
  • I recon…
  • I tend to think that
  • I think …
  • I think that
  • I wouldn’t say it better
  • I’m of the same opinion
  • In my opinion, …
  • In my view
  • It would seem to me that…
  • My opinion is …
  • My own view of the matter is…
  • My reaction is that we should…
  • That’s just what I was thinking
  • That’s true
  • The way I see is that
  • Well, personally…
  • what I have in my mind is
  • You’re perfectly right

Expression of Refusing/ Disagreeing Opinion

  • Absolutely not!
  • I disagree with you
  • I don’t entirely… with you
  • I don’t think I care for it
  • I don’t think much of it
  • I don’t think so
  • I don’t think that’s a good idea.
  • I get you point, but …
  • I have a different opinion about it
  • I simply can’t agree to this
  • I strongly disagree…
  • I think of the opposite
  • I think that would be awful
  • I think that’s not a good idea
  • I think you’re wrong
  • I’m afraid it doesn’t ring a bell
  • I’m not totally convinced by your argument
  • In my opinion, I consider…
  • In my opinion, I would rather…
  • No way!
  • Sorry to… but…
  • That’s not really how I see it
  • Well, I don’t think so…
  • What I have in my mind is…
  • What I’m more concerned with…
  • With certain reservations, I would support your opinion

Contoh Percakapan Expression of Asking, Giving, Refusing Opinion

Percakapan 1

  • Emily         : Hi Tom! What are you doing?
  • Tommy      : I’m reading a newspaper.
  • Emily         : Any good news?
  • Tommy      : I’ve just read about full day school.
  • Emily         : So what your opinion about that?
  • Tommy      : In my view, it is useful for Indonesian education development. Because if school time is extended until 4 or 5 PM, students can learn more. So, Indonesia’s educational ranking in the world can be increased.
  • Emily         : Do you think like that? But how about the students? Don’t you think it is too boring for them? In school all day.
  • Tommy      : No, If the teacher can bring class situation more fun, giving them exciting activities, so the student will enjoy their day in school.
  • Emily         : I think you’re right


  • Emily         : Hai Tom! Apa yang sedang kamu lakukan?
  • Tommy      : Saya sedang membaca koran.
  • Emily         : Ada kabar baik?
  • Tommy      : Saya baru saja membaca tentang sekolah sehari penuh.
  • Emily         : Jadi bagaimana pendapat Anda tentang itu?
  • Tommy      : Dalam pandangan saya, ini berguna untuk perkembangan pendidikan Indonesia. Karena jika waktu sekolah diperpanjang hingga jam 4 atau 5 sore, siswa dapat belajar lebih banyak. Jadi, peringkat pendidikan Indonesia di dunia dapat ditingkatkan.
  • Emily         : Apakah Anda berpikir seperti itu? Tapi bagaimana dengan siswa? Tidakkah menurut Anda itu terlalu membosankan bagi mereka? Di sekolah sepanjang hari.
  • Tommy      : Tidak, jika guru dapat membuat situasi kelas lebih menyenangkan, memberi mereka kegiatan yang menyenangkan, sehingga siswa akan menikmati hari mereka di sekolah.
  • Emily         : Saya pikir Anda benar.

Percakapan 2

  • Milly          : Do you like your smartphone?
  • Brian         : Yes. I think I got more than I expected.
  • Milly          : Why?
  • Brian         : I just want to buy a smartphone which has 1 gigabyte of RAM. But this smartphone gives me more.
  • Milly          : I think you’re lucky.
  • Brian         : Yeah. I think with the price I’ve paid, got a smartphone with 2 gigabytes of RAM is very awesome.
  • Milly          : But what do you think about the camera? Is it good?
  • Brian         : Not too bad. I got 8 megapixels for primary cameras, and its secondary camera 5 megapixels. But it is not the important point.
  • Milly          : Why?
  • Brian         : I do not like selfie. Haha.


  • Milly               : Apakah Anda menyukai ponsel cerdas Anda?
  • Brian              : Ya. Saya pikir saya mendapat lebih dari yang saya harapkan.
  • Milly               : Mengapa?
  • Brian              : Saya hanya ingin membeli smartphone yang memiliki 1 gigabyte RAM. Tapi smartphone ini memberi saya lebih banyak.
  • Milly               : Saya pikir Anda beruntung.
  • Brian              : Ya. Saya pikir dengan harga yang saya bayarkan, mendapat smartphone dengan 2 gigabytes RAM sangat mengagumkan.
  • Milly               : Tapi bagaimana menurut Anda tentang kamera? Apakah itu baik?
  • Brian              : Tidak terlalu buruk. Saya mendapat 8 megapiksel untuk kamera utama, dan kamera kedua 5 megapiksel. Tapi itu bukan poin penting.
  • Milly               : Mengapa?
  • Brian              : Saya tidak suka selfie. Ha ha.