Asking for Repetition

Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, kita pasti berinteraksi kepada orang lain dan tentunya ketika berbicara atau berdiskusi, kita sering meminta seseorang untuk mengulangi kembali ucapannya. Hal tersebut kita lakukan karena kita kurang paham atas apa yang dikatakannya atau kurang mendengar dengan jelas perkataannya. Nah, suatu bentuk percakapan untuk meminta lawan bicara mengulangi apa yang dia katakan sebelumnya untuk mendapatkan suatu kejelasan atau kepastian merupakan istilah dari Asking for repetition. Apa saja kah ekspresinya? Ayo kita telusuri bersama…

Asking for Repetition

  • Again, please.
  • Are you still with me?
  • Can you explain?
  • Can you say that again?
  • Could you repeat please?
  • Could you slow down please?
  • Do you think you could repeat the part about…once again please?
  • Excuse me?
  • Huh?
  • I beg your pardon but I don’t quite follow / understand.
  • I beg your pardon?
  • I can’t hear your voice
  • I wonder if you could say that in a different way?
  • I’m sorry, but what did you say about…?
  • It is mean…..
  • Pardon, please.
  • Pardon?
  • please explain it for me.
  • Please speak louder.
  • Say again please?
  • Say that again.
  • Sorry I am confuse.
  • Sorry, but I’m not sure I’m following you.
  • Sorry, I can’t hear you.
  • Sorry, I don’t hear what you say?
  • Sorry, I am not with you.
  • Sorry, what you say recently?
  • Sorry, what’s your question?
  • What did you say?
  • What it is mean?
  • What was that?
  • What you say?
  • What?
  • Would you mind repeating that?
  • Would you mind repeating that?
  • Would you mind saying that again?
  • Would you mind spelling that for me?
  • You say fastly, I can’t hear.

Contoh Percakapan Expression of Asking for Repetition

Percakapan 1

  • Rini     : Hello, Devi. Look at my new purse. I made it myself.
  • Devi    : Hello, Rini. Hey, that’s nice. Isn’t that your old purse? The one that we bought a year ago?
  • Rini     : Yeah, That’s right.
  • Devi    : How did you do that?
  • Rina    : Sorry, What did you say?
  • Devi    : How did you do that, Rini?
  • Rini     : Oh, Well, First I just added some colorful buttons. Then four-five glittery beads. Finally, I gave my magic finishing touch.


  • Rini      : Halo, Devi. Lihatlah dompet baru ku. Saya membuatnya sendiri.
  • Devi     : Halo, Rini. Hei, itu bagus. Bukankah itu dompet lama mu? Yang kita beli setahun yang lalu?
  • Rini      : Ya, itu benar.
  • Devi     : Bagaimana kamu melakukan itu?
  • Rina     : Maaf, apa katamu?
  • Devi     : Bagaimana kamu melakukannya, Rini?
  • Rini      : Oh, Yah, Pertama, saya baru saja menambahkan beberapa tombol berwarna. Lalu empat-lima manik-manik yang berkilauan. Akhirnya, saya memberikan sentuhan akhir ajaib saya.

Percakapan 2

  • Waitress          : Excuse me. What do you want to order for your drink?
  • Wima               : I want to drink a cup of coffee, please.
  • Waitress          : Pardon?
  • Wima               : I said that I ordered a cup of coffee.
  • Waitress          : All right. I will take your order.
  • Wima               : Thanks.


  • Pelayan           : Permisi. Apa yang ingin kamu pesan untuk minuman kamu?
  • Wima               : Tolong, saya ingin minum secangkir kopi.
  • Pelayan           : Maaf?
  • Wima               : Saya mengatakan bahwa saya memesan secangkir kopi.
  • Pelayan           : Baiklah. Saya akan mengambil pesanan kamu.
  • Wima               : Terima kasih.
    source of