Asking For, Giving Certainty and Uncertainty

Hello guys! Good morning…

Wokeh, saya yakin tentunya kalian pernah meminta dan memberikan kepastian tentang suatu hal bukan? Contohnya seperti, kalian meminta kepastian kepada seseorang apakah ia jadi datang atau tidak, atau apakah teman kalian bisa membantu kalian atau tidak dan lain sebagainya. Nah, didalam bahasa Inggris pun banyak sekali ungkapan-ungkapan yang biasa digunakan ketika kalian ingin meminta kepastian (Asking for Certainty), memberikan kepastian (Giving Certainty) dan ragu atau menolak kepastian (Giving Uncertainty) tersebut. Apa saja kah itu? Yuk simak baik-baik…

Expression of Asking for Certainty

  • Are you absolutely sure?
  • Are you certain about that?
  • Are you really certain about that?
  • Are you sure?
  • Are positively sure…?
  • Are you certain?
  • Do you mean about that?
  • Do you think so?
  • Forgive me, but are you sure about that?
  • How do you sure?
  • Is it confirmed?
  • Is that so?
  • Really?
  • Will it be Ok?
  • Isn’t?
  • You‟re sure, aren‟t you?

Expression of Giving Certainty

  • Definitely
  • Absolutely
  • Certainly
  • Fine. Go ahead
  • I think so
  • I am definitely sure
  • I have no doubt about it
  • I’m certainty about that
  • I’m convinced of it
  • I’m definitely sure./I’m absolutely certain
  • I’m positive / It’s possible
  • I’m quite sure
  • I’m sure of it
  • I’ve no doubt about …
  • I’m certain
  • I’m sure
  • It is confirmed
  • No doubt
  • O.K… No problem
  • Of course
  • Sure. I’m certain / No doubt about it. / Without doubt.
  • That’s my conviction
  • There is no doubt about that
  • Trust me 
  • Yes, I am sure
  • Yes, of course!
  • Yes, i’m certain

Expressions of giving Uncertainty

  • I afraid that it is wrong
  • I am not certain of it
  • I am not sure
  • I don’t think so
  • I doubt of it
  • I’m in doubt/I doubt
  • I’m not certain
  • I’m not sure
  • It’s possible but not sure
  • Sorry, I am not sure about it

Contoh Percakapan Expression of Asking For, Giving Certainty and Uncertainty

Percakapan 1

  • Herry   : Will Mr. Asror come to the class on time?
  • Wira    : It’s possible but not sure.
  • Herry   : How are you not sure?
  • Wira    : Because he is almost late before.


  • Herry   : Apakah Mr. Asror akan datang ke kelas tepat waktu?
  • Wira    : Mungkin saja, tapi saya tidak yakin.
  • Herry   : Bagaimana kamu bisa tidak yakin?
  • Wira    : Karena ia hampir selalu terlambat sebelumnya.

Percakapan 2

  • Rana    : Are you sure that Nisha will go to school today?
  • Lulu     : Sorry, I am not sure about it.
  • Rana    : Why?
  • Lulu     : Because she is still sick.


  • Rana    : Apakah kamu yakin bahwa Nisha akan pergi ke sekolah hari ini?
  • Lulu     : Maaf, saya tidak yakin tentang hal ini.
  • Rana    : Mengapa?
  • Lulu     : Karena dia masih sakit.