Hai hai hai! What’s up guys? Topik kita kali ini sangat menarik loh guys, yups reductions and contractions. Siapa sih yang ngga mau suaranya like native speakers? Bagi kalian yang ingin speaking di British aksen nya perfect, reductions dan contractions is the key. Simak baik-baik ya guys!
- Gimme = give + me
Contoh: Gimme that book!
“Berikan aku buku itu!”
- Lemme = let + me
Contoh: Lemme come with you!
“Biarkan aku ikut dengan mu!”
- Wassup = what + is + up
Contoh: Wassup with that?
“Ada apa dengan itu?”
- Whatser = what + is + her
Contoh: Whatser name again?
“Siapa namanya sekali lagi?”
- Whatsis = what + is + his
Contoh: Whatsis phone number?
“Berapa nomor teleponnya?”
- Coulda = could + have
Contoh: You coulda told me that yesterday.
“Kamu bisa saja memberitahuku itu kemarin”
- Mighta = might + have
Contoh: She mighta gone to the bank today.
“Dia mungkin saja pergi ke bank hari ini”
- Musta = must + have
Contoh: He musta taken the train.
“Dia pasti naik kereta”
- Shoulda = should + have
Contoh: You shoulda done something.
“Kamu seharusnya melakukan sesuatu”
- Woulda = would + have
Contoh: I woulda gone, but I was ill.
“Saya akan pergi, tapi saya sakit”
- Gonna = going + to
Contoh: I’m gonna go to the shops, do you want anything?
“Saya akan pergi ke toko, apakah Anda ingin sesuatu?”
- Gotta = got + to
Contoh: I gotta go.
“Saya harus pergi”
- Hafta = have + to
Contoh: Oh my god, you hafta meet him!
“Ya Tuhan, kamu harus bertemu dengannya!”
- Hasta = Has + to
Contoh: She hasta believe him.
“Dia harus percaya padanya.
- Oughta = Ought + to
Contoh: You oughta call him.
“Kamu harus memanggilnya”
- Wanna/Wansta = want + to/wants + to
Contoh: I wanna go to the cinema/She wansta come with me.
“Saya ingin pergi ke bioskop / Dia ingin ikut dengan saya.”
- Kinda = kind + of
Contoh: I kinda like it.
“Saya menyukainya”
- Loadsa + Kindsa = loads + of and kinds + of
Contoh: I’ve got loadsa kindsa tea in my cup board.
“Saya punya banyak teh di lemari saya.”
- Lotsa = lots + of
Contoh: There are lotsa people here.
“Ada banyak orang di sini.”
- Lotta = lot + of
Contoh: She’s had a lotta boyfriends.
“Dia punya banyak pacar.”
- Outta = out + of
Contoh: I hafta get outta here.
“Aku harus keluar dari sini”
- Sorta = sort + of
Contoh: What sorta chocolates that?
“Cokelat macam apa itu?
- Typa = type + of
Contoh: It’s a typa dark chocolate.
“Itu sejenis cokelat hitam.”
- Frunna = front + of
Contoh: Park in frunna the house!
“Parkirlah di depan rumah itu!
- Betcha = bet + you
Contoh: I betcha can’t guess how much that cost.
“Saya yakin Anda tidak bisa menebak berapa biayanya.”
- Dontcha = don’t + you
Contoh: Dontcha wish your girlfriend was hot like me?
“Tidakkah kamu berharap pacarmu seksi seperti saya?
- Getcha = get + you
Contoh: I’m gonna getcha next time.
“Saya akan mendapatkanmu lain kali.”
- Seeya = see + you
Contoh: Where are you? I can’t seeya.
“Kamu dimana Saya tidak bisa melihatmu.
- Gotcha = got + you
Contoh: I’m gotcha this for Christmas.
“Saya memberimu ini untuk Natal.”