Expressing Possibility and Impossibility

Expression of possibility digunakan untuk mengungkapkan suatu kemungkinan akan terjadi dan sedangkan, expression of impossibility digunakan untuk mengungkapkan suatu hal yang mungkin tidak bisa terjadi/ kecil kemungkinan untuk terjadi. Jadi, Expression of possibility & impossibility merupakan kumpulan ekspresi atau ungkapan-ungkapan dalam bahasa Inggris yang biasa digunakan untuk menyatakan apakah sesuatu itu ada kemungkinan bisa terjadi atau tidak.

Expression of possibility.

  • Are you capable of…?
  • Could be.
  • Do you think it’s possible that …?
  • Do you think you can…?
  • I guess I will ….
  • I may …
  • I might …
  • I suppose I will …
  • I will most likely …
  • I’m pretty sure I will …
  • Is it possible that …?
  • Is it possible to …?
  • Is there any possibility that …?
  • It could be ….
  • It is possible …
  • It’s so possible.
  • May.
  • Maybe.
  • Might.
  • Perhaps I will …
  • Perhaps.
  • Possibly.
  • That’s most probably …
  • There is a chance.
  • There’s a chance you might/ could …
  • What are the chances of …?
  • What possibility is there that …?
  • What’s the possibility of …?
  • Would it be possible for (somebody) to …?
  • You could possibly …

Expression of impossibility.

  • Cannot possibly.
  • Couldn’t be.
  • I don’t think that will happen.
  • I doubt if that would happen.
  • It is impossible.
  • It isn’t very likely.
  • It’s improbable …
  • It’s not probable …
  • May not.
  • That is not possible.
  • That’s not likely to happen.
  • The chances are pretty slim.
  • The chances are probably not very high.
  • There is no chance that …
  • There is no much chance of that happening.
  • There is no possibility that …
  • There is no way.
  • There is no way that …
  • There’s no chance.


  • I think so.
  • It’s possible.
  • Not a chance!
  • Perhaps.
  • Sure. It can be.
  • That’s not possible.
  • That’s possible.
  • Yes, it is.

Contoh Percakapan Expressing Possibility and Impossibility

Percakapan 1

  • Ahmad            : It is inconceivable for Indonesia to win.
  • Budi    : Why, there are ten minutes more.
  • Ahmad            : Look at the score board. The foe leaves as 3 focuses. It’s difficult to win, isn’t that so?
  • Budi    : Oh God, you’re correct. Our group could be lost.


  • Ahmad : Tidak terbayangkan bagi Indonesia untuk menang.
  • Budi     : Mengapa, ada sepuluh menit lagi.
  • Ahmad : Lihatlah papan skor. Musuh pergi sebagai 3 fokus. Sulit untuk menang, bukan begitu?
  • Budi     : Ya Tuhan, Anda benar. Grup kami bisa hilang.

Percakapan 2

  • Anna   : Does Gina bring your book?
  • Bella    : I don’t think so. She brings a little pack, and my book can’t be put there. So perhaps she neglect to bring it.
  • Anna   : She generally neglect to give it back to you. It is conceivable that the book is lost.
  • Bella    :Yeah, perhaps. I would prefer truly not to consider it.


  • Anna    : Apakah Gina membawa buku Anda?
  • Bella    : Saya kira tidak. Dia membawa paket kecil, dan buku saya tidak bisa diletakkan di sana. Jadi mungkin dia lalai membawanya.
  • Anna    : Dia umumnya lalai mengembalikannya kepada Anda. Bisa dibayangkan bahwa buku itu hilang.
  • Bella    : Ya, mungkin. Saya lebih suka benar-benar tidak mempertimbangkannya.
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