Expression of Satisfaction And Dissatisfaction

Expression of satisfaction adalah ekspresi untuk mengungkapkan perasaan puas, bahagia atau senang karena telah mencapai sesuatu atau mendapatkan apa yang inginkan. Sedangkan, Expression of dissatisfaction adalah ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menyatakan perasaan ketika tidak puas atau tidak mendapatkan yang diharapkan dan merasa kecewa terhadap sesuatu.

Asking about Satisfaction

  • Are you satisfied?
  • How do you like your room?
  • Is everything O.K?
  • Is everything satisfactory?

Asking about Dissatisfaction

  • Are you dissatisfied with something?
  • Did you find our service satisfactory?
  • Do you want to complain about something?

Expressing Satisfaction

  • Great! Good work
  • I am satisfied with your work
  • I am so happy about this
  • I really like my new hair cut
  • I’m completely satisfied with everything you’ve done for me.
  • I’m glad to what you’ve done
  • It was okay. Not too bad.
  • It was satisfactory
  • It’s really satisfying
  • Well done!
  • You did well
  • Your job is satisfactory

Expressing Dissatisfaction

  • I am really disappointed.
  • I’m not satisfied with work.
  • It is disappointing that!
  • It is unacceptable.
  • It’s not as good as I thought.
  • It’s not very nice.
  • It’s really not good enough.
  • Oh, no!
  • Sorry, but your work is not satisfactory.
  • The concert is so boring.
  • This is the limit I won’t take any more of…
  • Well, this is most unsatisfactory.
  • What an awful meeting.
  • You haven’t done well enough.

Contoh Percakapan Expression of Satisfaction And Dissatisfaction

Percakapan 1

  • Joshua      : What is your feeling after entering the additional English class?
  • Mia            : I feel satisfied, I can understand English well.
  • Joshua      : It will be held twice a week and don’t miss it.
  • Mia            : Tell me what day.
  • Joshua      : Yes, of course, I will call you.


  • Joshua      : Apa perasaanmu setelah masuk kelas tambahan bahasa inggris?
  • Mia            : Aku merasa puas, aku bisa mengerti bahasa Inggris dengan baik.
  • Joshua      : Ini akan diadakan dua kali seminggu dan jangan sampai ketinggalan.
  • Mia            : Beritahu hari apa.
  • Joshua      : Tentu saja, aku akan menghubungimu.

Percakapan 2

  • Danny       : I have fixed your cellphone. Here you are.
  • Letisia       : Thank you very much.
  • Danny       : Try it first.
  • Letisia       : It is OK… you are good mechanic.
  • Danny       : I follow the instruction from the Youtube.


  • Danny       : Aku telah memperbaiki ponselmu. Ini dia.
  • Letisia       : Terima kasih banyak.
  • Danny       : Cobalah dulu.
  • Letisia       : Tidak apa-apa… kamu montir yang bagus.
  • Danny       : Aku mengikuti instruksi dari Youtube.
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