Expressing Requests

Expressing request yaitu kumpulan ekspresi atau ungkapan-ungkapan untuk meminta seseorang melakukan sesuatu dalam bahasa Inggris. Wokeh, apa sajakah itu? Yuk, Marii..!!!

Contoh Expression of Requests

  • …, if it’s not too much trouble.
  • …and I’ll do the same for you some day.
  • …borrow… (from you)
  • …if it’s not too much trouble.
  • …lend me a hand (with…)
  • …lend me…
  • …said you were the best person to ask for/about…
  • …suggested I ask for your help with…
  • …would really help (me).
  • Are you good at? …
  • Can I request…?
  • Can I…?
  • Can you…?
  • Can/Could I ask you to…?
  • Could I possibly…?
  • Could I…?
  • Could I/you by any chance…?
  • Could you possibly…?
  • Could you…?
  • Do you have a/an…that you could lend me?
  • Do you think you could…?
  • Have you got a/an/any…that I could borrow?
  • Have you got time to…?
  • Help me (to)…, will you?
  • I don’t think I can do…on my own.
  • I have a request (for you)….
  • I heard that you are an expert on…
  • I heard that you are good at…/know about…
  • I look forward to hearing from you soon.
  • I need (to)… Can you help?
  • I need your/some help with…
  • I wonder if you could hand me that book over there, please.
  • I’d be (very) grateful if you could…
  • I’d like to request…
  • If you could…, I’d/I’ll…
  • If you’re not too busy,…
  • If…, that would be a great help.
  • May I…?
  • Thanks in advance for…
  • Would it be possible for you to…?
  • Would you bring me…?
  • Would you like to put…?
  • Would you mind …ing (…)?
  • You can…, can’t you? Well,…
  • You’re good at…, aren’t you?


  • Yes
  • Okay
  • Of course
  • With pleasure
  • Sure!
  • Yes, certainly
  • Certainly
  • I’m sorry, but I can’t. I’m very busy for the moment.
  • I’m sorry, but no!
  • No, certainly not
  • No, I’d be happy to
  • Sorry, I wish I could
  • I’m afraid I can’t

Contoh Percakapan Expressing Requests

Percakapan 1

  • Hazzel       : Hi Ghazy, how are you?
  • Ghazy       : Hi Hazzel, Alhamdulillah I’m Okay. How about you?
  • Hazzel       : I’m So so.
  • Ghazy       : by the way, where will you go hazel?
  • Hazel         : I am going to the Mr. Ali’s House, But I don’t know where exactly the address. can you accompany me to go there?
  • Ghazy       : Yes, of course, come on.


  • Hazzel       : Hi ghazy, apa kabar?
  • Ghazy        : Hi Hazzel, Alhamdulillah aku baik-baik aja, kamu bagaimana?
  • Hazzel       : Aku baik-baik saja.
  • Ghazy        : Ngomong-ngomong kamu mau pergi kemana?
  • Hazel         : Aku mau kerumah pak Ali, Tapi aku tidak tahu dimana persis alamatnya. Bisa tidak kamu menemani ku kesana?
  • Ghazy        : Ya. Tentu saja, ayo.

Percakapan 2

  • Keony       : Hi Afghan! How are you?
  • Afghan      : Hi Keony! I’m fine, thank you. How about you?
  • Keony       : I hope I’m fine. But, I feel my body is not well.
  • Afghan      : Oh, really? What do you feel right now, Keony?
  • Keony       : I feel so dizzy. Don’t tell my mother about it, please.
  • Afghan      : Hmm… have you met a doctor?
  • Keony       : Not yet. Because my parents are very busy.
  • Afghan      : Oh I see. So that why you don’t go to a doctor.
  • Keony       : That’s right. Do you want to accompany me?
  • Afghan      : Yes why not. When will go to there?
  • Keony       : Right now. Let’s go.
  • Afghan      : Ok. Came on.


  • Keony       : Hi, afghan, apa kabar?
  • Afghan       : Hi keony, aku baik-baik aja, bagaimana dengan kamu?
  • Keony        : Pengennya sih baik, tapi sekarang aku lagi tidak enak badan.
  • Afghan       : Oh, beneran? Kamu ngerasa bagaimana sekarang, keony?
  • Keony        : Kepala ku pusing, tolong jangan bilang-bilang ke ibu ku ya,
  • Afghan       : Hemmm… kamu sudah ke dokter?
  • Keony        : Belum, karena orang tua ku sangat sibuk
  • Afghan       : Oh, jadi karna itu kamu belum ke dokter.
  • Keony        : Ya benar, kamu mau tidak temenin aku ke dokter?
  • Afghan       : Oh, kenapa enggak. Mau kapan perginya?
  • Keony        : Sekarang, ayo kita pergi.
  • Afghan       : Ok. Ayo!
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