Pattern dan Contoh Kalimat Tenses 6-10

  • Post author:
  • Post published:November 20, 2019
  • Post category:grammar
grammar oh grammar

Hi boys and girls, postingan ini adalah lanjutan dari postingan pertama yaitu Pattern dan Contoh Kalimat Tenses 1-5. Jika kalian belum membacanya, lebih baik kalian membacanya dahulu sebelum melanjutkan membaca materi di article ini. Ok siap? Let’s talk about it!

  • Verbal Sentence  :

6. Past Continous Tense

(+) S+was/were+Ving+o
(-) S+was/were+not+Ving+o
(?) Was/were+S+Ving+o+?

(+) They were singing in the hall.
(-) They were not singing in the hall.
(?) Were they singing in the hall?

7. Past Perfect Tense

(+) S+had+v3+o
(-) S+had+not+v3+o
(?) Had+s+v3+o+?

(+) Susi had studied English before she came to my house.
(-) Susi had not studied English before she came to my house.
(?) Had Susi studied English before she came to my house?

8. Past Perfect Continous Tense

(+) S+had been+Ving+o
(-) S+had+not+been+Ving+o
(?) Had+S+been+Ving+o+?

(+) Mr. Fajrin had been waiting for his beautiful girlfriend in his house.
(-) Mr. Fajrin had not been waiting for his beautiful girlfriend in his house.
(?) Had Mr. Fajrin been waiting for his beautiful girlfriend in his house?

9. Simple Future

(+) S+will/shall+Vinf+o
(?) Will/shall+S+Vinf+o+?
Will = all subject
Shall = I dan we

(+) Intan will go to abroad next year.
(-) Intan will not (won’t) go to abroad next year.
(?) Will Intan go to abroad next year?

10. Future Continous Tense

(-) S+will/shall+not+be+Ving+o

(+) We will be studying Mathematics by 3 hours later.
(-)We won’t be studying Mathematics by 3 hours later.
(?)Will we be studying Mathematics by 3 hours later?

  • Nominal Sentence

6. Past Continous Tense

(+)S+was/were+being+complement of subject
(-)S+was/were+not+being+complement of subject
(?)Was/were+S+being+complement of subject+?

(+) You were being smart girl.
(-) You were not being smart girl.
(?) Were you being smart girl?

7. Past Perfect Tense

(+)S+had+been+complement of subject
(-)S+had+not+been+complement of subject
(?)Had+S+been+complement of subject+?

(+) Siska had been kind girl.
(-) Siska had not been kind girl.
(?)Had Siska been kind girl?

8. Past Perfect Continous Tense

(+)S+had+been+being+complement of subject
(-)S+had+not+been+being+complement of subject
(?)Had+S+been+being+complement of subject+?

(+) We had been being diligent student.
(-) We had not been being diligent student.
(?)Had we been being diligent student?

9. Simple Future Tense

(+)S+will/shall+be+complement of subject
(-)S+will/shall+not+be+complement of subject
(?)Will/shall+S+be+complement of subject

(+)I will be successfull person next year.
(-) I won’t be successfull person next year.
(?) Will I be successfull person next year?

10. Future Continous Tense

(+)S+will/shall+be+being+complement of subject
(-)S+will/shall+not+be+being+complement of subject
(?)Will/shall+S+be+being+complement of subject+?

(+)We will be being kind person.
(-) We won’t be being kind person.
(?) Will we be being kind person?

  • Passive Sentence

6.Past Continous Tense


(+)The trush was being thrown by me.
(-)The trush was not being thrown by me.
(?)Was the trush being thrown by me?

7. Past Perfect Tense


(+)This friedrice had been eaten by Kinara.
(-) This friedrice had not been eaten by Kinara.
(?) Had this friedrice been eaten by Kinara?

8. Past Perfect Continous Tense


(+)Bubble tea had been being drunk by Faizal.
(-)Bubble tea had been being drunk by Faizal.
(?)Had bubble tea been being drunk by Faizal?

9. Simple Future Tense


(+)The trush will be thrown by Saddikin.
(-)The trush will not be thrown by Saddikin.
(?)Will the trush be thrown by Saddikin?

10. Future Continous


(+)The song will be being sung by them.
(-)The song will not be being sung by them.
(?) Will the song be being sung by them?

Gimana nih teman-teman sudah tahu kan pattern dari setiap tenses dalam kalimat verbal, nominal, maupun passive? Rumit dan bikin pusing ya? Tenang kamu ga sendirian kok! Selamat belajar terus menerus sampai kamu bisa! Jangan lupa baca postingan selanjutnya tentang tenses 11-16 ya teman-teman! Thank you..